matilda audiobook free

Matilda (2013)

An all-time classic covered in a masterful audiobook

Five-and-a-half-year-old Matilda is already reading the likes of Hemingway and Dickens while computing complex sums in her head at the drop of a hat. But she has a horrible family who despise her and her precocious intellect – which is nothing compared to the flat-out hostility of her new school’s headmistress, the monstrous Miss Trunchbull! Luckily, Matilda finds a soulmate in her kind teacher Miss Honey and together they set out to teach the bullies a lesson, once and for all!

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Matilda was Roald Dahl’s last masterpiece. He wrote some other books afterward but they don’t measure up to Matilda as among his greatest accomplishments. And it is a masterpiece. I love this book. This is my third, maybe fourth time re-reading it, and each time I’ve read it, from my first time at a single-digit age to now in my thirties, Matilda never fails to blow me away or put a smile on my face. Dahl’s reputation as the consummate children’s author remains unassailable thanks to books like this.

“Kate Winslet, an obviously great actress, brings this story to life. Without a hint of timidity, she dives into each character, making them all feel truly unique without pulling you out of the story with unnecessary exaggeration.”

The Book Guide® Editor

In this Audiobook Kate Winslet was fantastic. We can’t see how anyone could have done a better job! What a great and uplifting story by Roald Dahl. You cheer for Matilda, Miss Honey, and all the kids at the school. Seriously, could there be worse characters in a book besides the Wormwoods and Miss Trunchbull?

It’s not a long audiobook and it’s rather lovely with how everything goes down at the end. Cheers all around for Maltida and Miss Honey!

Matilda (2013) By Roald Dahl

Matilda Book
4.8 5 0 1
Very Good
  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.8 rating
    4.8/5 Excellent
Total Score
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