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Business & FInance

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Books to improve your finances, focus on your career and develop financially. Classic and new, here are the best business and money books

The Art of War Audiobook Free by Sun Tzu
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The Art of War (2015)

Sun Tzu's The Art of War is a timeless masterpiece that provides valuable lessons in strategy and leadership. It covers conflict, planning, and psychological warfare principles, inspiring readers across various fields. This transformative read transcends time and domain, serving as a beacon of strategic enlightenment in the ever-changing competitive landscape.
The Intelligent Investor Audiobook Free by Benjamin Graham
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The Intelligent Investor (2003)

The Intelligent Investor is a timeless book by Graham that provides valuable insights into investing, ensuring that his strategies remain relevant today, making it a must-read for those seeking to enhance their investment skills.
Good to Great Audiobook Free by Jim Collins
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Good to Great (2001)

In "Good to Great," Jim Collins delves into a comprehensive study of what sets great companies apart from good ones. Through a meticulous analysis of data, the author and his team identified a set of elite companies that achieved remarkable results and sustained those results for at least 15 years. Collins then uncovers the common traits and strategies that propelled these companies to greatness, offering valuable insights for businesses and leaders aiming to achieve exceptional performance.
Zero to One  Audiobook Free by Peter Thiel
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Zero to One (2014)

Peter Thiel's "Zero to One" offers a unique perspective on innovation and business, focusing on monopolies and disrupting conventional wisdom. It challenges the wisdom of disruption and offers valuable insights into startups and technology, making it a must-read for those interested in the future of business and innovation.
The Compound Effect Free Audiobook
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The Compound Effect (2011)

The Compound Effect is an easy-to-use operating system that lets you multiply your success, track your progress, and achieve anything you want. If you're serious about creating an extraordinary life, use The Compound Effect to achieve your goals.
Shoe Dog Free Audiobook
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Shoe Dog (2016)

Shoe Dog is a True Story book of the Man Who Created Nike. In this candid and rivet­ing memoir, Nike founder and CEO Philip Knight shares the inside story behind the company's early days and its evolution into one the world's leading brands.
Outliers Free Audiobook
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Outliers (2008)

Outliers is a landmark book that will both delight and enlighten readers. Malcolm Gladwell takes us through the world of "Outliers," where he explores the lives of some of the greatest people who ever lived. He asks the question, “What makes high achievers different from everyone else?”