In Focus

Book of the moment. An in-depth examination of the current global hit, reviewed by the skilled eye of our Editors.

Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros

Onyx Storm (2025)

Rebecca Yarros's "Onyx Storm" is the third installment in the Empyrean series, featuring political intrigue, thrilling battles, and deep emotional connections. It's a thrilling read for fans and newcomers alike.

What to read next? Start with these Editor’s Picks.

Best Sellers

The most wanted books. Looking for your next great read? Start with The Book Guideā€™s Best Sellers.

Fourth Wing Audiobook Free by Rebecca Yarros

Fourth Wing (2023)

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros is a thrilling ride from start to finish, with a strong protagonist and a unique world that will keep readers engaged. A must-read for fans of adventure fantasy.
Iron Flame Audiobook Free by Rebecca Yarros

Iron Flame (2023)

Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros is the thrilling conclusion to the Empyrean duology. It's a story of second chance romance, military action, and suspense, all wrapped up in a package that will keep you glued to the pages until the very end.
It Ends with Us Audiobook Free by Colleen Hoover

It Ends with Us (2016)

It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover, delivers a powerful story that shows how sometimes it's the person who loves you the most that hurts you the most. Lily has not always been lucky, but she has never given up. She has worked hard to achieve her current…

Atomic Habits (2018)

Atomic Habits An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones, is a practical guide for how to make and keep new habits. After reading a few chapters, the easy-going and friendly tone of the read engages me to continue on. The author…

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Editor’s Guides

Handmade guides of books, curated by our editors.

Lightlark Book Series in Order

Lightlark Book Series in Order

The Lightlark series by Alex Aster is a fantasy adventure set on a mystical island that hosts the Centennial tournament, where rulers from…
Sarah J Maas books in Order
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Sarah J Maas Books in Order in 2025

Sarah J. Maas Reading Order. An exhaustive review of all the books by the award-winning American author Sarah J. Maas, and how to read them…
Kingdom of Lies Books in Order
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Kingdom of Lies Books in Order

The Kingdom of Lies series by Stacia Stark is a fantasy saga that explores themes of power, betrayal, and love in a world filled with complex…
The Ever Seas Books in Order
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The Ever Seas Books in Order

In The Ever Seas series by LJ Andrews, vengeance and passion intertwine as the scarred king Erik seeks to reclaim his stolen crown, only to…

Personal Growth

Are you looking to develop personal aspects or improve your relationships? In this section, you will find a special selection from our editors featuring the best books for personal growth and development. Classic and new, these are the best books in our collection.


Atomic Habits (2018)

Atomic Habits An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones, is a practical guide for how to make and keep new habits. After reading a few chapters, the easy-going and friendly tone of the read engages me to…
Blink Audiobook Free

Blink (2005)

Blink is a book about how we perceive the world without thinking, about choices we make that seem to be made instantly, in the blink of our eyes, that actually aren't quite as simple as they seem at…
Girl Stop Apologizing free

Girl, Stop Apologizing (2019)

A New York Times bestseller, Rachel Hollis' In Girl, Stop Apologizing is a wake-up call to women everywhere who feel they need to apologize for everything from their weight to their age. She knows that…
The Courage to Be Disliked Free Audiobook by Ichiro Kishimi

The Courage to Be Disliked (2018)

The Courage to Be Disliked" by Ichiro Kishimi is a compelling exploration of Adlerian psychology, offering readers a transformative journey towards self-acceptance and personal growth. Through engaging…