The Mystwick School of Musicraft Audiobook Free by Jessica Khoury

The Mystwick School of Musicraft (2019)

Humor and heart shine in this middle-grade fantasy about a girl who attends a boarding school to learn how to use music to create magic.

This was such a whimsical and beautiful story. First of all, I recommend you to read this in audiobook format because it includes a bunch of absolutely wonderful musical performances… why you ask? because in this fantasy middle grade story it’s the musicians that create all sorts of magic when they play.

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Amelia, our heroine is twelve-ish years old, or so I think, but don’t quote me on that cause that particular detail slipped my mind. All she wants to do is get into this very prestigious music school, where her mother was a student before her… she died a while ago and this is her way of connecting more with her… I don’t want to get into too many details about what exactly happens next and how Amelia gets into the school, but what I can say is that this story was such a lovely surprise… I did not expect to fall in love with it as much as I did.

“The Audiobook version is outstanding and includes a bunch of absolutely wonderful musical performances”

The Book Guide® Editor

I hope there will be a sequel at some point in the future because I already cannot wait to get back into this world and see what happens next. Don’t worry, there’s no cliffhanger or anything, we get resolutions to things that happen in this book, but there’s a lot of potential for future stories…

The Mystwick School of Musicraft (2019) by Jessica Khoury

Matilda Book
4.6 5 0 1
Very Good
  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.6 rating
    4.6/5 Very good
Total Score
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