Ready Player One shows us a world that has gone almost completely online.
It’s the year 2044 and the real world has turned into an ugly place. We’re out of fuel. We’ve ruined the environment. Hunger, poverty, and disease are common.
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Like most of humanity Wade Watts escapes this depressing reality by spending his waking hours plugged into the OASIS, a sprawling virtual utopia that offers him the chance to live and play and fall madly in love on any of ten thousand planets. Like most of humanity, Wade is obsessed by the ultimate prize that lies concealed within this alternative reality: OASIS creator James Halliday, who died without an heir, has promised that the OASIS will be controlled by whoever can solve the puzzles he has left scattered throughout the world.
“Ready Player One envelops the reader in a warm, fuzzy haze of 80’s nostalgia with pop-cultural references to an early generation of home gaming consoles and television shows.”
The Book Guide® Editor
For years, millions of people have tried fruitlessly to achieve this goal, knowing only that the answers are based on the culture of the late twentieth century. Then Wade stumbles upon the key to the first riddle.
Ready Player One (2011) by Ernest Cline
Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle-
by The Book Guide® Editors4.4/5 Very good