The second installment in the Alex Stern series.
Galaxy “Alex” Stern is driven to free her companion Darlington from damnation in Leigh Bardugo’s Hell Bent. In order to achieve this, she gathers a group of dubious friends and works her way through a maze of obscure writings and strange objects to learn the societies’ most closely-guarded secrets.
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A few months have passed since the end of Ninth House, where Darlington was saved by Alex by breaking every rule and sent to Hell by a now-dead dean.
“Hell Bent depicts a complex world filled with magic, bloodshed, and all-too-real creatures. It is rich in history and full of Bardugo’s trademark twists.”
The Book Guide® Editor
Alex and Dawes put together a group of dubious allies to save the gentlemen of Lethe because they are forbidden from trying to perform a rescue and they are unable to ask the Ninth House for assistance. Together, they must go through a maze of strange objects and occult literature to discover the organizations’ most closely-guarded secrets, breaking every rule in the process.
Hell Bent (2023) by Leigh Bardugo
Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle-
by The Book Guide® Editors4.6/5 Very good