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The Christmas Pig (2021)

A new classic of Christmas children’s literature.

The Christmas Pig is a heartwarming, page-turning adventure about one child’s love for his most treasured thing, and how far he will go to find it.

This story comes from a very good place and you can tell it. The writing is so charming, filling the quieter moments with life. Jack is adorable. I wanted to squish his cheeks just how he squishes his piggy’s. It’s not all cute, though; silently Rowling deals with mature themes, divorce and estrangement and change and loss biggest of all.

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Her opinions may not all be aligned with yours, but she articulates herself well in writing while implying certain morals. I wouldn’t call myself the biggest Harry Potter fan, but I am indeed a fan, having grown up with those books and movies, and she still has the magic, that way with words where they jump to obey their queen. Not one of them is out of place. I think most of us have been where Jack is, as children, coping with changes, holding on with delicate little hands to cheap, priceless things. 

“The book opens with a section about the effects of divorce and new relationships on the children of divorced couples. It’s quite hard hitting but superbly written and gives an idea of the stresses involved”

The Book Guide® Editor

If you wished you could poke holes in the plot, which is silly from afar, and sillier up close if you wanted you could accuse the story of banality, but truly there is heart and cheer and purity here, and humor that will click with audiences target or no; and there are lessons and love. If you’re tired of feeling tired, read The Christmas Pig. If you want to go on a Disneyland joyride while sitting on your couch at home, read The Christmas Pig.

The Christmas Pig by J. K. Rowling Rating

The Christmas Pig by J. K. Rowling Book
4.8 5 0 1
  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.8 rating
    4.8/5 Excellent
Total Score
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