Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Free Audiobook

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003)

J.K. Rowling offers her readers, young and old alike, a story full of excitement and thrills on every page.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix follows Harry Potter’s struggles through his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, including the surreptitious return of the antagonist Lord Voldemort, O.W.L. exams, and an obstructive Ministry of Magic.

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During the summer, Harry Potter and his cousin Dudley are attacked by Dementors. Forced to use magic to fend them off, Harry is expelled from Hogwarts, but his expulsion is postponed pending a hearing at the Ministry of Magic. Harry is whisked off to Number 12, Grimmauld Place, the childhood home of Sirius Black, by a group of wizards belonging to the Order of the Phoenix.

Order of the Pheonix is so dark and yet so hopeful. It’s about resisting oppression in any way you can.”

The Book Guide® Editor

Right from the beginning, you’ll find everything to be intriguing as always, with an excellent set of new characters being introduced. The main characters around Harry are of course the main focus, and the narration inherits a lot from how the teenage Harry views the world. Average emotional rollercoaster of a teenager blends in nicely with the main plot, and makes things more interesting.

J.K. Rowling really nails down her tonal shifts in this book. The darker tone really takes this series to the next level in terms of plot AND character work. Order of the Pheonix is so dark and yet so hopeful. It’s about resisting oppression in any way you can.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003) by J. K. Rowling

Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle
4.8 5 0 1
Very Good
  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.8 rating
    4.8/5 Excellent
Total Score
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