After Barry Fairweather dies unexpectedly at age 40, the small town of Pagford is shocked.
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Pagford seems to be an English idyll, but what lies behind its pretty façade is actually a town at war. Rich people are always at war with poor people, teenagers are always at war with their parents and so on.
“A blackly comic, thought- provoking, and constantly surprising novel, The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling is her first adult novel.”
The Book Guide® Editor
Pagford is not as simple as it may seem. And the empty seat on the town council soon becomes the catalyst of the biggest war the town ever saw. Who will win in an election with passion, duplicity and unexpected revelations?
The Casual Vacancy (2012) by J.K. Rowling
Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle-
by The Book Guide® Editors4.7/5 Very good