A powerful novel that digs deep into questions of inheritance, forgiveness, and love.
After the Second World War, a young man named Cyril Conroy combines good fortune with one clever investment to start an enormous real estate empire that would propel his family from poverty to immense wealth. His first order of duty is to buy the Dutch house, a lavish estate in suburban Philadelphia. Set in motion by his wife, the house unravels everything he loves.
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The story is told mainly by Cyril’s son Danny, as he recalls the events that led him and his older sister Maeve to be banished from the house where they were raised by their stepmother. Maeve, who was brilliant and acerbic, was the one who told the story. The two wealthy siblings find themselves once again in poverty after having been raised in luxury. They must now rely on each other for support. It is this unbreakable bond between them that both keeps them alive and prevents them from having any kind of future.
“Ann Patchett’s new book, The Dutch House, is a richly moving tale of a family’s struggle to come to terms with its past. It explores questions of inheritance, love and forgiveness, and of who we want to be and who we really are.”
The Book Guide® Editor
Set over the course of 50 years, The Dutch House is a dark fairytale about two smart people who can’t overcome their past. Despite every outward sign that they’re successful, Danny and Maeve only feel truly comfortable when they’re together. They return to the well-trod story of what they’ve lost with humor and rage throughout their lives. But when at last their parents force them to confront the people who abandoned them, the relationship between an overly indulgent brother and his protective sister is finally tested. This novel with an Audiobook version performed by Tom Hanks, has been named one of the best books of the year by The WashingtonPost.
The Dutch House (2019) by Ann Patchett
Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle-
by The Book Guide® Editors4.8/5 Excellent