The ONE Thing audiobook free

The ONE Thing (2012)

The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results.

This is a very good book on the topic of setting yourself up for big success. Gary Keller’s method for breaking down big goals into smaller pieces is just brilliant. If you feel overwhelmed by too many things on your daily schedule, then this book is a must-read

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A great book on managing your time and productivity. The main purpose of this book is to show that people cannot effectively perform several tasks at once. People are not naturally multi-taskers. They can only quickly jump between tasks, but they take a lot of time and energy to refocus. It may look like you’re doing multiple things at once, but it’s not.

“The One Thing explains how we can overcome six lies that block us from achieving success, beat the seven thieves that steal our time, and leverage laws that govern purpose, priority, and efficiency.”

The Book Guide® Editor

If you want to get high results, focus on just one task at a time, in the most important cases, spend 20 percent of your energy to achieve 80 percent of the results. Also, set yourself some high goals that will be difficult and learn to say “No” to tasks that don’t fit your “one thing.” The book has lots of interesting quotes, stories, and examples.

The ONE Thing (2012) by Gary Keller

Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle
4.7 5 0 1
Very Good
  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.7 rating
    4.7/5 Very good
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