You Are a Badass® Free

You Are a Badass® (2013)

If you feel stuck with barriers that stop you from achieving your goals, this book is for you.

Jen Sincero offers 27 bite-sized chapters packed with hilariously inspiring stories, wise advice, easy exercises, the occasional swear word and help you identify and change the self-destructive beliefs and behaviors that keep you from achieving your goals.

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If you’re looking for a book that will help you realize that you aren’t living the life that you really want, then this book is for you. Career-focused can be applied in any aspect of your life — including work, marriage, or volunteering.

“You need to be comfortable with some colorful language and the concept of the Law of Attracti­on, but if you’re willing to learn, you’ll get a lot out of this book.”

The Book Guide® Editor

In this book, she has some good ideas, but her blunt manner makes her sound like a know-it-all. However, her frankness will leave you feeling better than when you started.

You Are a Badass® (2013) by Jen Sincero

Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle
4.3 5 0 1
Very Good
  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.3 rating
    4.3/5 Very good
Total Score
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