David and Goliath Free Audiobook

David and Goliath (2013)

Bestseller author Malcolm Gladwell explores how we understand and change our worlds.

A shepherd boy from ancient Palestine felled a mighty warrior using nothing more than a stone. Ever since then the names of “David” and “Goliath” have stood for battles between small teams and large companies. David’s victory was unlikely and unexpected. He shouldn’t have won. Or should he have? Malcolm Gladwell examines the power of the underdog, and shows how adversity shapes our lives.

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David and Goliath challenges how we think about obstacles, disadvantages, discrimination, coping with disabilities, losing parents, attending mediocre schools, suffering from any number of other seemingly negative experiences.

“Drawing upon examples from business, sports, culture and cutting edge psychology, David and Goliath is the most practical and provocative Malcolm Gladwell has ever published.”

The Book Guide® Editor

Gladwell starts by telling the real story of what occurred between the giant and the young shepherd boy so many years ago. From there, David and Goliat examine Northern Ireland’s Troubles; the minds of cancer researchers; murder and the high costs associated with revenge; and the dynamics of successful versus unsuccessful classrooms – all to illustrate how much of what is good and important in the world emerges from what often appears to be suffering and adversity.

David and Goliath (2013) by Malcolm Gladwell

Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle
4.7 5 0 1
Very Good
  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.7 rating
    4.7/5 Very good
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