The Compound Effect Free Audiobook

The Compound Effect (2011)

Make one simple change at a time and achieve success.

There is no magic bullet. The Compound Effect states that if you focus on making good decisions, they will eventually lead to success. Every day choices will either lead you to the life you want or to disaster by default, but they don’t have to be only big ones.

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Darren Hardy, publisher at Success magazine, presents The Compound effect, a distillation of some of the fundamental principles that helped the most successful people achieve their greatest accomplishments.

“The Compound Effect contains the essence of what every successful person needs to know, practice and master to achieve extraordinary success.”

The Book Guide® Editor

This book is an easy-to-use operating system that lets you multiply your success, track your progress, and achieve anything you want. If you’re serious about creating an extraordinary life, use The Compound Effect to achieve your goals.

The Compound Effect (2011) by Darren Hardy

Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle
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    4.5/5 Very good
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