Average Is the New Awesome FREE

Average Is the New Awesome (2020)

A celebration of ordinary awesomeness.

Crappy homes, lame love lives, getting passed over for a great job (again) is not what we expected for our adulthoods. Americans tell their children you can become anything! But let’s face it–most of us can’t.

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Sure, some of our peers go on to become astronauts or billionaires. But most of us don’t. In Average Is the New Awesome, Samantha Matt offers encouragement to us regular humans. Full of hilarious stories and insightful advice, this is a manifesto for ordinary awesomeness–for the beauty that can be found when we acknowledge that good enough is good enough, and that greatness is ours to define.

“Sometimes I feel lonely. Sometimes I feel like a fraud. Sometimes I feel like a failure. Sometimes I feel unaccomplished. But in reality, I am none of those things.”

The Book Guide® Editor

The author sums up my feelings brilliantly near the very end of the book. I, too, smile a lot, and I have those little crinkle lines by my eyes and around my mouth. And yes, most of the time, I’m a happy person, and I show it. But like her, “Sometimes I feel lonely. Sometimes I feel like a fraud. Sometimes I feel like a failure. Sometimes I feel unaccomplished. But in reality, I am none of those things.” She is average. And average is awesome – something I need to remember.

Average Is the New Awesome By: Samantha Matt

Average Is the New Awesome By: Samantha Matt
4.2 5 0 1
  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.2 rating
    4.2/5 Good
Total Score
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