Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies FREE

Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies (2020)

Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies is the story of Tara’s path to re-parenting herself and becoming a “ninja of self-love.”

This is essentially a self-help book by wayof aa memoir. There’s a lot of good stuff in here. It’s always helpful to have a reminder to stop the negative thoughts about yourself—like that you’re a failure because you don’t have a boyfriend/the job you want/you aren’t working out or eating well enough and so on. For some of us, giving ourselves pep talks is not our natural state, but Tara reminds us: If your friend were in a similar situation, would you talk to her that way?

Taking care of yourself through eating well, not muting your lives with drugs including alcohol, getting enough sleep, and nurturing relationships, makes for a much happier life.

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It’s also good to remember to live in an attitude of gratitude for what you do have instead of always wanting what you don’t have.

“For some of us, giving ourselves pep talks is not our natural state, but Tara reminds us: If your friend were in a similar situation, would you talk to her that way?”

The Book Guide® Editor

But here’s what endlessly distracted me from what good stuff is in here: Tara seems to think she’s writing in the language of Tweets or something. I’m pretty sure she took a lot of this from her journals, and in my journaling, I also use shorthand because ideally, I’m the only one who is ever going to read those pages.

I got an advance copy from NetGalley, so the first couple of times I ran across the lowercase “rn,” I thought it was some kind of typo, which happens a lot in advanced reader copies. The third time, from the context, I realized she was trying to say “right now,” and apparently didn’t have the time or space to be clear about this. I’m on social media so I know many shorthand terms, but sometimes, just bothering to write things out makes for actual clear writing, which is a super handy thing when it comes to communicating in written form.

I identified with a lot of what Tara had to say. The tumultuous childhood she had was nuts. The nuttiest thing was the unimaginably cruel voice mails her estranged mother would leave her after her parents separated and the mother took the younger sister, leaving Tara with her Dad. So, even though I’ve had ups and downs with my mom, it made me appreciate that we do have a good, if not always easy, relationship.

Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies (2020) By: Tara Schuster

Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies (2020) By: Tara Schuster
4.7 5 0 1
Very Good
  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.7 rating
    4.7/5 Very good
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