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Mel Robbins
2 posts
The 5 Second Rule (2017)
In The 5 Second Rule, Mel Robbins explains a simple, one-size-fits-all solution for the one problem we all face. The secret isn't knowing what to do - it's knowing how to make yourself do it. Using the science of habit, fascinating stories, and surprising facts about some of the most famous events in history, art, business, and sports, Mel Robbins will explain how to create a push moment. She'll then give you one simple tool that you can use to become the best version of yourself.
Take Control of Your Life (2019)
With this audiobook, you'll get a powerful mix of one on one life-changing coaching sessions and a personal narrative that you can use immediately.
We're afraid of change, but we should be more afraid of staying the same! With help from Mel Robbins, you'll learn how to make positive changes in your life and avoid fear and stress.