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Star Wars Thrawn Ascendancy Lesser Evil Book 3
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Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy. Lesser Evil (2021)

Lesser Evil picks up in the aftermath of Greater Good. Jixtus, who was revealed to be the true villain in the trilogy’s middle book, is beginning to step out of the shadows as he continues to manipulate the Nine Ruling Families and the Forty Great Houses of the Chiss Ascendency into a civil war that will leave them ripe for conquest. But Senior Captain Thrawn of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet has one last, desperate plan to stop Jixtus.
Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy. Greater Good FREE
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Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy. Greater Good (2021)

With the triumph of Thrawn’s latest victory for the Chiss resting on his shoulders, he and his allies find themselves in a race to save the Chiss Ascendancy from an unseen enemy that has yet to be extinguished. But the enemy is almost as clever as the Sherlockian-like Thrawn, opting to further the rifts between the ruling families, rather than attack them among the stars in battle. 
Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy. Chaos Rising free
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Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy. Chaos Rising (2020)

Beyond the edge of the galaxy lie the Unknown Regions, known collectively to those who inhabit them as the Chaos. Strange creatures inhabit these famously impassable regions, and many ships have been lost trying to explore them. The Chaos is home to several planets and systems, among them the planet of Csilla, homeworld of the Chiss Ascendancy.