The princess saves herself in this one FREE

The princess saves herself in this one (2017)

This moving book explores love, loss, grief, healing, empowerment, and inspiration.

Amanda Lovelace manages to show that in literature less can be much, much more. It is not easy to turn consciences and stomachs with just a few words. It is not easy to shrink hearts with simple words and stories.
It is matters of poetry and emotions, everything is subjective, everyone will have their preferences and there will always be someone who prefers convoluted verses or dense paragraphs, but for me, The Princess Saves Herself in this One squeezes the power of simplicity and sincerity to unsuspected extremes.

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This book has made me cry and smile. It has made me regret the worst in human nature and at the same time regain faith in the healing power of love and forgiveness.

” The Princess Saves Herself in this One squeezes the power of simplicity and sincerity to unsuspected extremes.”

The Book Guide® Editor

There are four sections to this collection: the princess, the damsel, the queen, you. The damsel included sorrowful poetry speaking about the terrible events Lovelace went through. The queen included poetry with hints of feminism, about how she made herself stronger and picked herself up – she crowned herself queen. You are directed towards the reader, giving inspiring poetry about making yourself stronger, loving yourself.

I flipped through this poetry collection quite quickly – though I didn’t feel I rushed it at all. A very powerful collection and I cannot wait to pick up ‘The witch doesn’t burn in this one

Simple, but full of passion and feelings. The whole book portrays a life, going through the darkest moments. The complicated relationship with the mother. The loss of the sister. The power to love herself. And in the end, find someone special with whom to share all these problems and blessings. It is a type of prose that shines for its simplicity and minimalism. The details are what make it so beautiful, like arranging the words and creating a shape with them.

The princess saves herself in this one (2017) By: Amanda Lovelace

The princess saves herself in this one (2017) By: Amanda Lovelace
4.3 5 0 1
  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.3 rating
    4.3/5 Very good
Total Score
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