The High 5 Habit Free Audiobook

The High 5 Habit (2021)

This book teaches you how to start smiling at yourself in the mirror every day.

Don’t be fooled by the title. This isn’t a guidebook for high fiving everyone else. You’ve already done that. Watching sports. Celebrating your friends. Showing support for the people you care about when they pursue their dreams.

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With her signature science-backed advice, deeply personal stories, real-life results, and the practical tools she has developed through years of research and practice, Mel will help you make believing in yourself a daily habit so that you operate from a place of self-confidence and know that you can achieve anything you want.

“Mel Robbins’ The Five Second Rule teaches us the five-second secret to motivation. Now she’s back with another powerful tool you can use to change your life for good: The High 5 Habit.”

The Book Guide® Editor

The High 5 Habit is a simple yet powerful tool that changes your attitude towards life, your mindset, and how you behave. So be prepared to learn and laugh as you take steps to boost your confidence, happiness and results.

The High 5 Habit (2021) by Mel Robbins

Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle
4.2 5 0 1
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  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.2 rating
    4.2/5 Good
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