Can’t Hurt Me (2018)

Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds.

This is a book about David Goggins : a retired Navy SEAL and the only person to complete SEAL training, U.S. Army Ranger School, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training. Each of those themselves are the hardest training courses in the world. Only exceptionally few complete each of them, he completed all of them. He also is a serious endurance athlete : an ultra-runner, a multiple ironman and former world-record holder for pull-ups. Definitely one of those rarefied serious freaks of nature. This book is a hard-hitting part-self-help, and part-motivational self-memoir. A personal recollection of an inspiring life. A life in which he was dealt as bad as hand as possible. But he overcame all the odds and became one of the hardest man in the world. 

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Every once in a while, you come across a book that you know deep-down is going to change your life. I have a unshakeable feeling that “Can’t Hurt me” is going to be one. Major portion of the book is a memoir detailing his life story. That in itself would make this a greatly inspiring book.

“This is the book if you want to conquer yourself, your mind and personally achieve what you’re been meaning to achieve.”

The Book Guide® Editor

The book pretty much has the same cadence throughout. We get to hear part of his life story and then steps to work with that will help reclaim your life. Also, there are glimpses of how the mind of a super-achiever looks like. Something that you might want to use in your life : when you are pushing yourself hard, and  want to obliterate all those boundaries.

This is an absolute 5-star book. While David’s language is oftentimes chauvinistic, his message is positive and inclusive: Everyone can attain more than they know if they persevere through the suffering. In fact, it is consistent and deliberate suffering that allows humans to do amazing things.

Through a series of reflections on his life experiences, told sometimes chronologically and other times thematically, he shares one lesson per chapter. Each chapter ends with a reiteration of the lesson, and tips for applying it to the reader’s life.

Can't Hurt Me (2018) By: David Goggins

Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle
4.8 5 0 1
Very Good
  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.8 rating
    4.8/5 Excellent
Total Score
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