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Memoirs and Biographies
45 posts
God Bless This Mess (2021)
This quarter-life memoir from Hannah Brown is one most will find something to relate to in. If you’ve followed along in the last nearly 3 years now since she graced our television screens, there has been much that has happened and this book will not disappoint in filling in some previously private occurrences in that time, but this book is about more than that.
Can’t Hurt Me (2018)
This is a book about David Goggins : a retired Navy SEAL and the only person to complete SEAL training, U.S. Army Ranger School, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training. Each of those themselves are the hardest training courses in the world. Only exceptionally few complete each of them, he completed all of them. He also is a serious endurance athlete : an ultra-runner, a multiple ironman and former world-record holder for pull-ups. Definitely one of those rarefied serious freaks of nature. This book is a hard-hitting part-self-help, and part-motivational self-memoir. A personal recollection of an inspiring life. A life in which he was dealt as bad as hand as possible. But he overcame all the odds and became one of the hardest man in the world.
Greenlights (2020)
The audiobook was fabulous. You do not want to miss Matthew McConaughey reading this to you. He laughs a lot and you can tell he was smiling as he was reading. Absolutely amazing. Not your typical biography. Filled with nuggets of insight. Profound letters, prose, and poetry. McConaughey shows not only his life and the “greenlight” moments, he dives deep into himself with his most vulnerable essence. A joy to read.
Becoming (2018)
The book talks about her roots and how she found her voice, as well as her time in the White House, her public health campaign, and her role as a mother. The book's 24 chapters (plus a preface and epilogue) are divided into three sections: Becoming Me, Becoming Us, and Becoming More.
Will by Will Smith (2021)
Will begins his tale with him and his brother constructing a wall at the age of eleven for his father’s store. The wall can be built with experienced contractors in a few weeks however it took will and his brother 12 months to complete the task. Once finished and time to process that experience, it was a lot mote than constructing a wall, it was a life-changer lesson that Will incorporates with him forever.