Deep Work audiobook free

Deep Work (2016)

Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World.

Deep work is the capacity to focus without distraction on an intellectually challenging task. The book will help you become a better worker and provide the sense of fulfillment that comes from doing something well. Deep work is like a superpower in our increasingly competitive modern world economy. Most people have lost the ability for days to go deep into their day without being distracted by email and social media.

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Cal Newport, author and professor at Georgetown University, flips the narrative on impact. Instead of arguing distraction isn’t good for us, he instead celebrates the benefits of focus. He then goes on to explain why developing a deep work ethic is so important for anyone who wants to succeed. He then presents a series of rules, which he claims will transform your mind and habits to help you become better at this skill.

“Cal Newport explains why we need to learn how to manage distractions if we want to achieve success in our careers.”

The Book Guide® Editor

This wonderful book provides you with a brilliant mindset, encouraging you to value deep work resulting in astounding achievements.

The book is divided into two parts: The first convinces us of the importance and necessity for deep work to lead a fulfilling and productive life. The second part of this book offers practical advice on cultivating a deep work habit along with techniques for refining and preserving it constantly.

Deep Work (2016) by Cal Newport

Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle
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  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.5 rating
    4.5/5 Very good
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