The Psicology of Money free audiobook

The Psicology of Money (2020)

Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness.

Rather than try to provide another set of so-called “can’t lose” strategies for managing money, here, Housel seeks to show readers that success with money is a soft skill filled with lots of nuances. Though that may sound daunting at first, I can assure you he doesn’t just leave readers out to dry. No, instead, he provides countless new ways of thinking about money that allow readers to see their financial situations in new lights.

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Some of those new ways of looking at money include ideas such as: different people’s life experiences lead to vastly different views about money; the hardest financial skill to acquire is to learn to stop moving the goalposts and eventually become content with what we have; and protecting the downside is probably the most important thing when it comes to managing money properly.

“This is the type of book you should earmark to read over again, anytime you need to make a large financial decision.”

The Book Guide® Editor

Housel applies these somewhat abstract concepts through the use of countless stories and examples, which makes the digestion of them so much more straightforward. In the end, we’re left with a core set of principles for managing our money moving forward. And, spoiler alert, so much of that managing boils down to effective financial psychology — the very subject of the title of this book. 

The Psicology of Money (2020) by Morgan Housel

Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle
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  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.6 rating
    4.6/5 Very good
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