10% Happier Free Audiobook

10% Happier (2014)

If you’re a spiritual skeptic who really needs meditation in your daily routine, this is the perfect book for you.

10% Happier is a spiritual book written for and by someone who wouldn’t normally read a spiritual book. It is both a serious and a hilarious look at mindfulness and meditation.

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Dan Harris always believed that the restless, unrelenting, and impossible-to-satiate voice in his head was among his greatest assets. If you want to get ahead in an ultra-competitive field like television news, you need to be constantly worrying and hypervigilant. For a while he was successful at using his strategy. He was an anchor for national broadcasts and he covered wars. He then hit the brakes and had an anxiety attack live on the air. What happened next was totally unexpected. Through a bizarre series of events involving a disgraced evangelical preacher, a mysterious self-improvement guru and a fateful gift by his wife, Harris stumbled upon something that allowed him to tame the voice in his mind: meditation.

“The book itself is a narrative of Dan’s conversion amidst the harried and decidedly un-Zen world of the New York Times newsroom. It ends with a section for the beginner on how to get started with meditation.”

The Book Guide® Editor

At first he was very skeptical. He had always associated meditation with bearded swami and unwashed hippies. But when confronted with the mounting scientific evidence that just five minutes a day can literally change your life, he decided to take a deep dive into meditation. Harris’ life wasn’t turned into a parade of rainbows and unicorns, yet he did gain a passion to meditate every day.

10% Happier by Dan Harris

Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle
4.6 5 0 1
Very Good
  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.6 rating
    4.6/5 Very good
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