The Power of Habit free audiobook

The Power of Habit (2012)

This New York Times bestseller explores how we can change our lifestyles by changing our habits.

In The Power of Habit, Duhigg presents a new way of looking at human nature and its potential by taking us through the boardrooms of Procter & Gamble to the sidelines of professional football to the front lines of civil rights movements.

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Charles Duhigg takes readers to the thrilling edge of science to understand why habits exist and how we can change them. With his penetrating intellect and ability to distill vast quantities of information into engrossingly readable narratives, Duhigg has brought to life a whole new way of thinking about human nature and its potential.

“In The Power of Habit, award-winning business reporter Charles DuHigg takes us to the exciting edge of science to explain why habits exist and show us how we can change them.”

The Book Guide® Editor

Along the way, we learn why some people fail to change, even after years of trying, while others succeed in changing quickly. At its core, “The Power of Habit” contains an exhilarating argument. The key to exercising regularly is understanding how habits work, and then changing them.

The Power of Habit (2012) by Charles Duhigg

Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle
4.7 5 0 1
Very Good
  • by The Book Guide® Editors
    4.7 rating
    4.7/5 Very good
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