Bittersweet Audiobook Free by Susan Cain

Bittersweet (2022)

An inspiring masterpiece that brings us together in deep and unexpected ways.

Susan Cain argues in her book Bittersweet that embracing the bittersweet, where grief and joy coexist, permits us to live life to the fullest. She defines bittersweetness as “a proclivity to moods of yearning, poignancy, and sadness; an intense sense of passing time; a heightened appreciation for beauty; and a consciousness of our mortality”.

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Cain thinks that if we do not accept our own loss, we risk inflicting misery on others. She also contends that vulnerability, even sorrow, maybe a source of strength and that accepting our inevitable losses makes us more human and entire.

“The author of the worldwide hit Quiet discusses the power of a bittersweet view on life in her new masterwork, and why we’ve been so ignorant to its significance.”

The Book Guide® Editor

Cain’s book is a memoir, a self-help book, and a thesis on how even the most painful feelings may lead to growth and beauty. She discusses her feelings on grief and melancholy music, as well as her triumph over life’s challenges.

Bittersweet (2022) by Susan Cain

Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle
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