People magazine declared this book “Beguiling” and “Fascinating”
Robert Greene and Joost Elkafers have distilled three thousand year of the history of power through 48 essential laws by drawing on the philosophies of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Carl Von Clausewitz, and also from the lives and careers of figures ranging from Henry Kissenger to P.T.Barnum.
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Every law they share has something in common: an interest for total domination. With its bold and arresting two-colors package, The 48 Laws of Power is ideal for anyone who wants to conquer others, defend themselves, or simply learn the rules of the game of power.
“People tend to think in terms of black and white when it comes to moral and ethical issues. Conversely, “The 48 Laws of Power” deals mainly with the gray areas.”
The Book Guide® Editor
A book of wisdom; a compilation of tactics; hordes of tried-and-tested ideas for thriving; a rich set of brilliant tested strategies for success. Many of the rules might seem downright evil, but they’re actually just lessons to be aware of when dealing with people. It’s so well written that it’s hard to put down. Everyone can definitely benefit from reading it because it’s lessons have been tested and used throughout history by bold figures.
48 Laws of Power (2000) by Robert Greene
Dune (2007) By: Glennon Doyle-
by The Book Guide® Editors4.3/5 Very good